I love food. What else is there to say? Oh yeah, I’m also a marketing consultant. And a professional speaker. Who loves to talk to food-related businesses about how they can use marketing and social media to grow their businesses.
I’ve also just graduated with a Master of Public Health [in July 2014] which means there will be no more study related procrastibaking.
You can find out more about my marketing consultancy at my Mel Kettle Consulting website.
I also do a bit of volunteering for Street Food Australia, have co-hosted Fresh on Sunday on Brisbane radio station 4BC, speak a bit on ABC612 Brisbane, conduct social media workshops for food producers and other small business owners, and am currently writing a couple of e-books on social media for the hospitality sector, food producers and retailers.
But back to food.
My adventures with food started when I was a baby. My parents tell me that my first solid food was blue cheese – not sure how true that is, but it sounds pretty good to me. And it’s still in my top 3 favourite foods.
My whole family has always loved food, and many happy (and sad) family occasions have revolved around a good meal at the dining table with hours of conversation and laughter.
I learnt to cook by baking cakes, biscuits and slices as a little girl – generally making more of a mess than much else in those early days! I discovered early on that you must READ the recipe first! AND make sure you have ALL the ingredients. And use them. All.
(Did you know that cakes without butter bounce? Almost as good as a tennis ball. Seriously.)
Fast forward to my days as a uni student and I learnt to cook “real” meals. As I discovered a diet of cake was not good for the waistline (who knew!). Spag bol was the fave of the day, and is a much loved and still-cooked dish. At least every two weeks (great way to empty out the veggie crisper!). My repertoire has expanded a bit since then.
So essentially I love everything about food. From thinking, reading, writing and talking about it, meeting the people who grow it and make it, to shopping for it, experimenting with it, cooking it, smelling, slurping, tasting, scoffing, sampling and savouring it.
However I don’t do dishes. My gorgeous partner usually does that. Yes, I’m very lucky.
If you want to get in touch, my contact details are:
Email – mel {at} melkettle.com.au
Post – PO Box 773, Morningside QLD 4170, Australia
Phone – +61 (0) 404 600 889
Follow me on twitter – @melkettle
Like my facebook page – www.facebook.com/CooksNotebook
Connect with me on LinkedIn
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