My guest today is Bronwen Edwards, the founder and CEO of Roses in the Ocean.
Bronwen established Roses in the Ocean in 2011, a few years after the suicide of her brother Mark.
Bronwen is passionate about reducing the number of suicides that tragically occur every year in Australia. After her care of and bereavement for her suicidal brother, she realised she felt very strongly about the power of harnessing the voices of those with a lived experience of suicide to change the way it is spoken about, understood and ultimately prevented.
Roses in the Ocean works collaboratively with organisations to host public events linking communities with local service providers. It also collaboratively operates National Suicide Prevention Lived Experience Speakers Bureau with our peak body, Suicide Prevention Australia.
Bronwen’s involvement within the suicide prevention sector also extends to a national level as a member of the Lived Experience Network Leadership Group, an initiative of Suicide Prevention Australia – the peak body.
How do we empower communities to get involved with suicide prevention? @RosesintheOcean Click To TweetTRIGGER WARNING: From around the 15 min mark we discuss suicide within this episode of A Great Recipe for Life.
You can find Bronwen on her website Roses in the Ocean, and also find information about their events there.
You can connect with Bronwen Edwards on twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
You can listen to this episode via the link above, on iTunes or Stitcher or via the podcast app on your smartphone.
What Bronwen Edwards and I discussed
- the absolute freedom of travelling
- the people you meet when you travel alone
- World Press Photo exhibition
- orangutans
- how Roses in the Ocean was founded and where the name came from
- improving suicide literacy
- using the word suicide when no one talks about it
- working with people with a lived experience of suicide
- Suicide Prevention Australia
- national speakers bureau
- how your story changes over time
- how to recognise when people aren’t coping
- the non-reality of Facebook
- over half of suicides are not related to mental health
- building up personal resilience
- eight Australians a day take their own lives, which is a greater number than are killed on the roads
- Queensland Maternal and Perinatal Quality Council
- more men take their lives, more women make attempts
- the rate of suicide of the LGBTI community is 14 times higher than normal
- just be kind
- how a death is deemed a suicide
- Headspace
- Standby Response Service
- many anti-depressants have suicide as a side effect
- how you can get involved with Roses in the Ocean
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